DIY Face, Face It, Raves, Skinny Kitchen

Garlic, Olive oil, & Raw Honey FACE mask!

Well, this is a GREAT face mask that I just tried and made up earlier this week. I have been reading up so much on garlic and all of its health benefits. So this mask contains garlic which is a powerful

Antioxidant that is supposed to help the skin repair acne and acne scars and prevent breakouts. The olive oil is the moisturizer in this mix and do I really need to explain? The fatty acids in here are great not just for your

skin but hair and nails. And honey is a good moisturizer as well but also a nice exfoliate. All of these ingredients are great for calming the skin, making it soft and fighting bacteria. I used minced garlic or you can use regular gloved garlic.



Garlic cloves or minced garlic

2 table spoons olive oil

1 ½ table spoons raw honey or regular honey


Take all ingredients and mix them together in a blender or food processor. When all mixed up pour into a small container so that you can put the remaining of the face mask in the fridge for the next day.

Make sure your face is clean and washed, free of makeup! Then go ahead and apply this mixture all over your face in a nice circular motion around the face. Don’t press too hard if you are using raw honey because of the little sand

Like texture will bother your skin. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, but please friends NO MORE than 25 minutes because garlic is a really strong antioxidant and it can burn the skin. If you start to noticed burning anytime under 25 minutes then

Please don’t use this method and wash it off right away. After you wash it off with warm water, pat dry your face and feel how smooth your face feels. But on your favorite moisturizer or a lil tiny bit of olive oil for extra softness and hydration.

Inspiration, Raves

Outfit looks to get inspired!

I love Pinterest for all the cute outfits you can find on there! It is craziness but amazing. Anways, I love to find outfit photos like this to get inspired and even print some out to take shopping with me. It is really fun to try to mimic the look but on a budget which is so much fun! So, print some out when you go shopping to get inspiration! You would be surprised how much it helps you keep focused when buying clothes, instead of a whole bunch of random pieces lol.

Check it:


Raves, The Brush Off

Have problems with TANGLES in the morning?


I don’t know about you but I toss a lot in my sleep which causes my hair to look like the photo above every morning. And it is really painful to try to come it out! Even if I get into the shower to just wet it, it’s still nappy and tangled after I get out and just makes things more difficult. Well, I tried something new last night that I thought I’d share with you guys if you have this problem!

I used my friend Argan oil (its by One n’ only) I put it at the ends of my hair and mixed a little into my whole head and put a shower cap on and went to bed. I woke up with the shower cap missing lol but I went to comb out my hair and I had no tangles my hair was nice and smooth and easy to manage. This is such a simple trick but it really works and it might work well for people with really curly hair too!


photos from

Face It, Inspiration

E.L.F Tinted Moisturizer complete REVIEW

I love pretty much everything from elf cosmetics. I recently tried out for the most of the summer! So I wanted to give my complete review for you guys.This moisturizer is part of their studio line.


ELF Tinted Moisturizer in the color “Nude”

I am a tan/olive colored skin tone so I decided to pick up the shade in “nude”

The packaging: I love the way elf designed the packaging, it almost looks just like Smashbox! It looks really nice like it costs a good amount of money. I like how it is a tube and you can easily squeeze out the right amount you need. It does tend to get a little messy though if you aren’t careful.

The coverage/consistency: So this tinted moisturizer has a light coverage but it is a bit build-able. I don’t build mine because it is a little darker than my normal skin and it can make my face look kinda scary, lol. The consistency is great because it’s a creamy texture like mouse and it feels great on the face. It spreads around evenly, the only thing is once I set it with powder it is fine but then when I am out in the sun for awhile it gets on my clothes and it gets on my cell phone…and then it comes really greasy. I think they should make an oil free one.

The benefits: This has a SPF 20 which is GREAT for protecting your skin, along with aloe and vitamins A,C,& E, and cucumber which are GREAT for the skin. So, those are some awesome benefits that come from this product.

The price: Who can beat only $3? Yeah, it is very inexpensive and is pretty good for what you get. I would really suggest these product for people with dry skin and not oily or combo skin.

Overall: I would give it a C+ because I wish it stayed on my face better and wasn’t so greasy. The coverage is light but I mean it is a tinted moisturizer. I love how creamy it is just wish it wasn’t so oily.

Inspiration, Raves

Garlic top coat – for STRONGER, healthier nails!

I guess this is an old remedy that people have used and noticed amazing results. Garlic has so many amazing good stuff in it, and putting some of it in your top coat can really help the health of your nails.

All you have to do is take about 2 cloves of garlic and mash it up or minced garlic and drop it into your top coat and let it sit in there for atleast 3 days and then start using it on your nails! Great for healthy looking nails, some say it evens helps growth!


Inspiration, Raves

Are you into the rose gold?

If you don’t know rose gold is hugely IN right now, a huge fashion stable to have in your closet…whether that is a watch, bracelet, shoes, purse etc. It has become so popular that everyone is wearing it everywhere. The hugest piece of jewelry that is really popular is a rose gold Michael Kors watch…it seems like everyone has that watch…I totally want it too! lol. But rose gold I think looks great on all skin types and looks more feminine than regular gold. See for yourself!
